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Мультфільм 60 шт. Level Up Puzzles Game Дзіцячая ранняя адукацыя Жывёлы Пазл Цацка Папера Для дзіцячага садка ад 3 да 6 гадоў

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Presenting the Cartoon 60pcs Level Up Puzzles Game Kids Early Education Animal Jigsaw Puzzle Toy Paper by Qiaike - the right model to encourage your son or daughter's intellectual and development intellectual. Designed for kindergarten children aged 3 to 6 years old, this jigsaw puzzle doll comprises 60 bits of colorful and cartoon that is adorable forms, perfectly built to capture your child’s imagination.


Made out of good quality paper and materials which are non-toxic this puzzle game is safe for the daughter or son to play with and designed to last. This model also encourages education that is early its theme that is animal will likely be crucial in developing your son or daughter's curiosity and learning about their natural environments.


The Cartoon 60pcs Level Up Puzzles Game Kids Early Education Animal Jigsaw Puzzle Toy Paper by Qiaike is built to challenge your small thinking that is one’s is critical imagination abilities. This puzzle toy contains jigsaw pieces that range in sizes and shapes, permitting your youngster to learn about the pet this is certainly different while developing their ability to accommodate the very best pieces together. As your youngster puts the puzzle pieces together in to the sequence that is correct they're going to experience a feeling of pride and success, which helps making use of their self-esteem and confidence.


Built to satisfy your young child's learning rate, this puzzle toy will come in three amounts. The level this is certainly first 12 big pieces appropriate beginners, even though next degree contains 24 mid-sized pieces for intermediate players. The amount that is third 60 small pieces, worthy of advanced players and a way that is powerful train children’s problem-solving abilities
