Tots els pobles

Joguina educativa de fusta

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Els nens connecten joc de taula 4 en una línia Joguines educatives per a nens de fusta plegable en línia de fila trencaclosques de joguina Joc clàssic

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Connexió educatiu de quatre jocs de fusta Line Up 4 Joc de taula de joguines familiars clàssics Joguines de fusta per a nens Joc de quatre en fila per a nens

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ECOLÒGIC, no tòxic

Com a imatge o personalitzat


Transferència tèrmica, impressió, talla làser

pot personalitzar el seu logotip

Matèria primera
Fusta de faig, fusta de pi, fusta d'auró, fusta de cautxú, etc

Dissenys personalitzats, materials, mida % colors disponibles
servei de disseny gratuït

1.Normalmente, el nostre paquet és el següent: una caixa de color
                                                                  bossa b.opp.
                                                                  c. Paquet de contracció de calor

El termini d'execució
En general, entre 3 i 15 dies hàbils després de confirmar el pagament, per a grans quantitats, si us plau, negocieu amb nosaltres.

Certificat real
Ens unim a diverses exposicions cada any i donem la benvinguda a clients nous i antics a visitar la nostra fàbrica

Looking for a fun and educational toy that your kids will love? Look no further than the Children Connect 4 In A Line Board Game. This classic game has been entertaining children for generations, and now Qiaike brings it to your home with a stylish and durable wooden board.


An excellent way in helping your kids develop their fundamental cognitive abilities, such as for example critical thinking, problem-solving, and logic skills. The overall game is simple to master, but challenging to master, making it perfect for children of all ages and skill levels.


The aim of the game is to be the first ever to connect four of your colored tokens in a line on the board is vertically standing. Compete together with your kids them to be the first ever to see patterns making strategic moves while you challenge. The game encourages children to plan ahead, think strategically and develop reasoning is spatial.


Comes in a foldable design making it easy to store and transport, also when you're away from home. The game looks great wherever it's put, and is certain to add a touch of style to your young one’s playtime with its sleek wooden finish and colorful tokens.


Built to last, providing endless hours of fun for your children and comfort of mind for parents in addition to its academic advantages and beautiful design. The top-notch wood used to craft the board ensures durability, while the sturdy design guarantees that the game can withstand play is rough.


So why wait to give your children the ultimate in cognitive development and classic board game fun with Qiaike’s Children Connect 4 In A Line Board Game? Perfect for family gatherings, game nights or to play alone, this game is a must-have for any child's toy collection.
