Tots els pobles

Joguina Montessori de fusta

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Trencaclosques de tauler cognitiu digital infantil de fusta unisex de 5 a 7 anys combinat amb material didàctic

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Catàleg de Tongcheng
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Màquina de bufat d'ampolles de PET semiautomàtica Màquina de fabricació d'ampolles Màquina d'emmotllament d'ampolles La màquina de fabricació d'ampolles de PET és adequada per produir envasos i ampolles de plàstic PET de totes les formes.

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ECOLÒGIC, no tòxic

Com a imatge o personalitzat

Transferència tèrmica, impressió, talla làser


pot personalitzar el seu logotip

Matèria primera
Fusta de faig, fusta de pi, fusta d'auró, fusta de cautxú, etc

Dissenys personalitzats, materials, mida % colors disponibles
servei de disseny gratuït

1.Normalmente, el nostre paquet és el següent: una caixa de color
                                                                  bossa b.opp.
                                                                  c. Paquet de contracció de calor

El termini d'execució
En general, entre 3 i 15 dies hàbils després de confirmar el pagament, per a grans quantitats, si us plau, negocieu amb nosaltres!

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Per què Nosaltres


Introducing the Unisex Wooden Children's Digital Cognitive Board Puzzle by Qiaike – a fun and interactive toy that helps develop cognitive skills in children aged 5-7 years.

Made from high-quality wood, this is safe and durable to utilize. Features vibrant colored electronic images that can stimulate the head and enhance development is cognitive. A easy task to assemble, making it perfect for kiddies who remain learning exactly how to play with puzzles.

Comes with a collection of teaching aids that can help moms and dads and educators train young ones exactly how to solve puzzles. These generally include cards with step by step guidelines on what to assemble the puzzle, along with videos and recordings that are audio simplify the learning processes.

One better things relating to this is that both boys can use it and girls. Its vibrant colors appeals to both genders, rendering it a doll is excellent share among siblings and friends. The Unisex Wooden Children's Digital Cognitive Board Puzzle also encourages children to come together which help each other when puzzles that are solving.

Moms and dads will appreciate the academic value in this puzzle provides. Helps children develop their creativity, reasoning, and thinking is crucial – all of that are essential for success in school and soon after in life. Perfect moms and dads who desire to give kids an enjoyable, engaging way to learn.

If you want to help your child develop their cognitive skills while having fun, this Unisex Wooden Children's Digital Cognitive Board Puzzle by Qiaike is the perfect choice.
