Tots els pobles

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Joc de joguines de joc de rol de cuina de fusta unisex Simulació de postres de te de la tarda Nou joc de te a l'engròs per a nens Joguines de cuina i menjar

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ECOLÒGIC, no tòxic

Com a imatge o personalitzat

Transferència tèrmica, impressió, talla làser


pot personalitzar el seu logotip

Matèria primera
Fusta de faig, fusta de pi, fusta d'auró, fusta de cautxú, etc

Dissenys personalitzats, materials, mida % colors disponibles
servei de disseny gratuït

1.Normalmente, el nostre paquet és el següent: una caixa de color
                                                                  bossa b.opp.
                                                                  c. Paquet de contracció de calor

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En general, entre 3 i 15 dies hàbils després de confirmar el pagament, per a grans quantitats, si us plau, negocieu amb nosaltres!

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Per què Nosaltres

Marca: qiaike

The Unisex Wooden Kitchen Role Play Toy Set Afternoon Tea Dessert Simulation New Wholesale Tea Set for Kids Kitchen and Food Toys by Qiaike could be the model that is ultimate any kitchen and tea afternoon this is certainly lover. This doll set is wonderful for the kids who would like to play area this is certainly games that are cooking their loved ones and friends.

The set is sold with a tea which will be wooden, a tea cooking pot, two cups, two saucers, two spoons, in addition to a selection of delicious-looking sweets. Each piece is manufactured away from top-quality, durable materials to withstand a period that is long of and play.

The tea is sturdy and wooden also incorporates an elegant design this is certainly both classic and contemporary, that means it is well suited for any play area that is cooking pretend tea celebration. The tea pot could be superbly crafted that will be designed to be simple for kiddies to pour and serve.

The set includes two cups and saucers, each insurance firms a design being exclusive adds a section that is additional your set. The spoons will even be pretty and completely sized for small arms.

Probably the most options that are exciting include this model this is certainly distinct could possibly be the decision of candies that are included. The candies look extremely realistic you will have to include cakes which are numerous cookies that are various as well as other treats. Kids will require to pretending to create and luxuriate during these sweets due to their friends.
