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Joguina educativa de fusta

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Carretó elevador de fusta Joguina Educativa primerenca Joc de batalla de cotxes per a pares i fills Joguines de fusta Montessori per a nens petits

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Catàleg de Tongcheng
Descripció dels productes
Carretó elevador de fusta Joguina Educativa primerenca Joc de batalla de cotxes per a pares i fills Joguines de fusta Montessori per a nens petits

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ECOLÒGIC, no tòxic

Com a imatge o personalitzat

Transferència tèrmica, impressió, talla làser


pot personalitzar el seu logotip

Matèria primera
Fusta de faig, fusta de pi, fusta d'auró, fusta de cautxú, etc

Dissenys personalitzats, materials, mida % colors disponibles
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1.Normalmente, el nostre paquet és el següent: una caixa de color
                                                                  bossa b.opp.
                                                                  c. Paquet de contracció de calor

El termini d'execució
En general, entre 3 i 15 dies hàbils després de confirmar el pagament, per a grans quantitats, si us plau, negocieu amb nosaltres!

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Per què Nosaltres

The Wooden Forklift Truck Toy Early Educational Parent-child Car Battle Game Toddler Montessori Wooden Toys for Kids from Qiaike is a fantastic addition to your youngster's toy collection. Designed to be both educational and entertaining, this toy is perfect for toddlers that are starting to learn about the world.


Created from high-quality materials, this product was built to last. It can withstand even the toughest playtime and will provide your daughter or son with hours of fun. The model was also sized for small hands, rendering it easy for your child to grip and play around with.


The early educational quality of this item is what sets it apart from other toys in the market. It helps to develop your son or daughter's engine skills, hand-eye coordination, and problem-solving skills. and it's a great method for parents to bond with their kiddies and help them learn.


This also functions as a car battle parent-child game. Parents can teach their children concerning the importance of teamwork and strategic thinking with each other. This not only provides endless entertainment but also helps your child develop important social and emotional abilities.


This forklift truck was created with your kid's development in mind. It encourages self-directed learning independent thinking, enabling your youngster to explore and learn at their very own rate.
