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Trencaclosques de fusta

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Trencaclosques geomètrics de fusta, regals d'aniversari, joguines Montessori, tauler de trencaclosques de fusta per a educació preescolar

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The Wooden Geometric Brain Teaser Puzzle Birthday Gifts Montessori Toys Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles Board for Preschool Education will be the birthday celebration great for young ones whom love a challenge. This Montessori model improves the youngsters’ very early training by developing their problem-solving and thinking critically.

Created using top-notch lumber, this jigsaw wood board is durable and simple to address. The paint non-toxic young ones to touch, feel, and explore the various forms with their small fingers without fretting about harmful substances chemical. The colorful geometric forms are built you might say that stimulates youngsters' imagination and imagination, that makes it a product ideal open-end playtime.

The jigsaw puzzle comprises of 40 pieces, each beautifully made with accuracy to accommodate seamlessly in the board. The qiaike pieces and colorful arranged in a variety of forms, including groups, squares, triangles, and trapezoids, to create endless opportunities when it comes to kids to explore. The board's dimensions are perfect for Bit arms, which makes it an easy task to manage and maneuver.

The Wooden Geometric Brain Teaser Puzzle Birthday Gifts Montessori Toys Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles Board for Preschool Education is a superb model academic improves development intellectual. Kiddies reach learn to determine the forms various colors, sizes, and habits, which improve their abilities often visual-spatial., the puzzle challenges their problem-solving abilities, needing them to think about critically and logically, marketing agility psychological.

Your youngster might have fun endless together the jigsaw wooden board to create various forms and numbers. The playtime open-end them to work well with their imagination and imagination in developing different forms and numbers, boosting their reasoning abilities.

The Qiaike brand prides itself on developing safe and toys top-quality enhance youngsters' learning and development. The Wooden Geometric Brain Teaser Puzzle is not any exclusion. The product is ASTM and CPSIA authorized, making it fulfills the item criteria greatest globally.

Trencaclosques de fusta Montessori per a nens petits per a 3 4 5 6 7 anys Trencaclosques d'animals amb forma de tauler de joguines educatives a joc

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1.Normalmente, el nostre paquet és el següent: una caixa de color
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                                                                  c. Paquet de contracció de calor

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