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Tegan Addysgol Pren

HAFAN >  cynhyrchion >  Tegan Addysgol Pren

2024 Cynhyrchion Newydd Clip Paru Radish Pren Gleiniau Cerdyn Gwybyddiaeth Lliw Tegan Tegan Addysgol Montessori i Blant Bechgyn Merched

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2024 Cynhyrchion Newydd Clip Paru Radish Pren Gleiniau Cerdyn Gwybyddiaeth Lliw Tegan Tegan Addysgol Montessori i Blant Bechgyn Merched

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Sampl am ddim ar gael


Fel llun neu wedi'i addasu

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Deunydd Crai
Pren ffawydd, pren pinwydd, pren masarn, pren rwber, ac ati

Dyluniadau wedi'u haddasu, deunyddiau, maint % lliwiau ar gael
gwasanaeth dylunio am ddim

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Mae gennym 20 mlynedd o brofiad cynhyrchu ac rydym wedi addasu cynhyrchion ar gyfer cwsmeriaid ledled y byd.
Os hoffech chi addasu'r cynnyrch hwn, neu becynnu, cysylltwch â ni i drafod mwy o fanylion

Rydym yn ymuno ag arddangosfeydd amrywiol bob blwyddyn, ac yn croesawu cwsmeriaid hen a newydd i ymweld â'n ffatri

Providing the Qiaike 2024 New Items Timber Radish Pairing Clip Grains Plaything Color Cognition Card Montessori Academic Plaything for Kids Boys Ladies - a plaything that's amazing is a brand-new and will amuse and show your child.

This plaything is made up of top-notch timber, also it is produced to motivate your kid's imagination and creativity. The plaything is simply a pair of grains which come through radishes. Each bead is painted in bright and shades that are vibrant assistance your child develop their color acknowledgment capabilities.

The radish grains have unique pairing that allows your child to easily link them with each other. This may make it easy for your youngster to create patterns and this can be various designs. The pairing clip also helps your child develop their hand-eye synchronizations.

This academic doll insurance companies a pair of color cognition cards. These cards have various routines and designs that the youngster can make an initiative to duplicate utilizing the radish grains. The cards are a manner in which is excellent help your child boost their problem-solving abilities and develop their cognitive capabilities.

The Qiaike 2024 New Items Timber Radish Pairing Clip Grains Plaything Color Cognition Card Montessori Academic Plaything for Kids Boys Ladies is a terrific Montessori-inspired plaything that's academic is wonderful for kids of all a long period of time. This doll helps them develop their imagination, problem-solving abilities, and intellectual capabilities whether your youngster is simply beginning to explore the world that's whole they absolutely are presently in university.
