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Cartoon 60pcs Level Up Puzzles Game Kids Early Education Animal Jigsaw Puzzle Παιχνίδι Χαρτί για μωρό νηπιαγωγείου 3 έως 6 ετών

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Κατάλογος Tongcheng
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Προσαρμοσμένα σχέδια, υλικά, μέγεθος % διαθέσιμα χρώματα
δωρεάν υπηρεσία σχεδιασμού

1. Κανονικά η συσκευασία μας είναι όπως παρακάτω: a.color κουτί
                                                                  b.opp τσάντα.
                                                                  γ.πακέτο θερμικής συρρίκνωσης

Συνήθως 3-15 εργάσιμες ημέρες μετά την επιβεβαίωση της πληρωμής, για μεγάλη ποσότητα, διαπραγματευτείτε μαζί μας!

Συμμετέχουμε σε διάφορες εκθέσεις κάθε χρόνο και καλωσορίζουμε νέους και παλιούς πελάτες να επισκεφτούν το εργοστάσιό μας
Γιατί να μας επιλέξετε


Introducing the latest addition to our product line, the Cartoon 60pcs Level Up Puzzles Game. Designed with your Bit ones in mind, this jigsaw puzzle toy is perfect for kids aged 3 to 6 years old.

Featuring 60 puzzle pieces, this game is the challenge is perfect kids who have begun to explore the planet of jigsaw puzzles. The puzzle pieces are produced from high-quality paper, making these are typically durable and can withstand the damage of daily play. The qiaike colorful and cartoon is cute of the puzzle keeps their attention and make it more pleasurable and entertaining.

Isn't a supply being great of for young ones, nonetheless it has educational benefits that help to improve their cognitive and problem-solving skills. Puzzles are recognized to promote thinking is logical critical reasoning as kids learn to match the puzzle pieces and figure out how to complete the image.

Moreover, this jigsaw puzzle model helps in early education as well. By playing as a starter or as a mixed group, children improve their social and communication skills. The paper material used in the product is a child-friendly and material is non-toxic ensures your kid's health isn't compromised.

This puzzle game features animal designs that appeal to young children, making the puzzle more entertaining to complete. The pet designs pique the child's imagination and interest and motivates them to accomplish the puzzle and learn more in regards to the pets featured in the puzzle.

Compact size and lightweight. Allows it to be convenient to bring along for travel or household is outdoor. This product is perfect for gift suggestions, along with its bright and design is attractive is bound to bring a smile to any kid's face.

The Qiaike Cartoon 60pcs Level Up Puzzles Game is an ideal addition to any family's collection of educational toys and makes for the perfect gift idea for birthdays or holidays. Avail this now.


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