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Drevené puzzle

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Katalóg Tongcheng
Popis produktov
Poloautomatický vyfukovací stroj na výrobu fliaš na fľaše Stroj na výrobu fliaš Stroj na výrobu PET fliaš je vhodný na výrobu PET plastových obalov a fliaš všetkých tvarov.

Ukážková ponuka
K dispozícii bezplatná vzorka

EKOLOGICKÝ, netoxický

Ako obrázok alebo prispôsobené

Tepelný prenos, tlač, laserové vyrezávanie


môžete prispôsobiť svoje logo

Bukové drevo, borovicové drevo, javorové drevo, gumové drevo atď

Prispôsobené vzory, materiály, veľkosť % farieb k dispozícii
bezplatný dizajnový servis

1.Normálne je náš balík nasledovný: a.color box
                                                                  b.opp taška.
                                                                  c.balenie tepelného zmrštenia

Dodacia lehota
Zvyčajne 3-15 pracovných dní po potvrdení platby, pre veľké množstvo, prosím, rokujte s nami

Každý rok sa pripájame k rôznym výstavám a vítame nových a starých zákazníkov, aby navštívili našu továreň
Prečo zvoliť nás

Presenting the Qiaike Early Education Cartoon Animal Six In One Gift Box Jigsaw Puzzle Toy Paper, the right academic doll for children aged 3 to 6 years of age This colorful and fun set surely capture your youngster's attention and improve their problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills.


Made with cartoon animal illustrations that will fascinate your youngster, this six-in-one gift includes a wide range of interesting puzzles which will ask them to engaged and entertained right through the day. The puzzle set will come in a sturdy paper, making certain it is long-lasting and may withstand the rough maneuvering of toddlers.


Using puzzles is amongst the best means for kids to master and develop. While piecing together the different jigsaw, your youngster will read about various animals and their habitats. The puzzle and will enable the growth of the relevant skills that can be awareness cognitive of, as well as promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Oahu is the perfect tool to greatly help young children transition from passive learning how to learning that is active.


This Qiaike Early Education Cartoon Animal Six In One Gift Box Jigsaw Puzzle Toy Paper can be an excellent tool to promote social abilities and interaction abilities. Kids can invite people they know up to make use of the puzzles together, boosting their cooperation and teamwork skills. Mothers and fathers might also join in and spend quality time with regards to ones which can be small building more powerful bonds with them.


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