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Drevená edukačná hračka

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Unisex interaktívna logická spoločenská hra pre rané vzdelávanie Hračka pre rodičov a deti pre deti vo veku 5 až 7 rokov

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Katalóg Tongcheng
Popis produktov
Poloautomatický vyfukovací stroj na výrobu fliaš na fľaše Stroj na výrobu fliaš Stroj na výrobu PET fliaš je vhodný na výrobu PET plastových obalov a fliaš všetkých tvarov.

Ukážková ponuka
K dispozícii bezplatná vzorka

EKOLOGICKÝ, netoxický

Ako obrázok alebo prispôsobené

Tepelný prenos, tlač, laserové vyrezávanie


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bezplatný dizajnový servis

1.Normálne je náš balík nasledovný: a.color box
                                                                  b.opp taška.
                                                                  c.balenie tepelného zmrštenia

Dodacia lehota
Zvyčajne 3-15 pracovných dní po potvrdení platby, pre veľké množstvo, prosím, rokujte s nami.

Každý rok sa pripájame k rôznym výstavám a vítame nových a starých zákazníkov, aby navštívili našu továreň
Prečo zvoliť nás

Looking for an engaging and educational toy that your child will love? Look no further than the Qiaike Unisex Early Education Interactive Puzzle Board Game. Designed for children aged 5-7, this innovative and fun toy is perfect for parents and children to play together.

A method is exciting kids to learn whilst having fun. Features many different colorful, interactive puzzles that assist kids develop cognitive is key fine motor abilities. These puzzles include a selection of forms, colors, and habits, as they are perfect for developing awareness is spatial problem-solving skills, and memory recall.

One most unique features of the Qiaike Unisex Early Education Interactive Puzzle Board Game is its capacity to be played by both men and girls. This game is designed to be unisex, meaning that kids of it could be enjoyed by all genders. This makes it a toy is great families who would like to promote gender equality and inclusivity in their homes.

Another feature is its durability. Created from high-quality materials, made to withstand plenty of playtime wear and tear. This means that it will last for several years, supplying your child with hours of educational and entertainment is fun-filled.

The Qiaike Unisex Early Education Interactive Puzzle Board Game also encourages bonding is parent-child. By playing together, parents and kids can develop a closer rapport and together enjoy quality time. This game is a way is excellent enhance family members relationships and build lasting memories.

Get yours today and watch your child's cognitive and fine motor skills develop.


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