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Drevené puzzle

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Drevená geometrická hlavolamová hlavolam Darčeky k narodeninám Montessori hračky Drevená tabuľa s puzzle pre predškolské vzdelávanie

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Drevená montessori hračka pre batoľatá pre deti vo veku 3 4 5 6 7 rokov Vzdelávacie hračky so zvieratkami, ktoré sa zhodujú s tvarom dosky

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K dispozícii bezplatná vzorka

EKOLOGICKÝ, netoxický

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bezplatný dizajnový servis

1.Normálne je náš balík nasledovný: a.color box
                                                                  b.opp taška.
                                                                  c.balenie tepelného zmrštenia

Dodacia lehota
Zvyčajne 3-15 pracovných dní po potvrdení platby, pre veľké množstvo, prosím, rokujte s nami!

Máme 20-ročné výrobné skúsenosti a prispôsobené produkty pre zákazníkov po celom svete.
Ak by ste chceli prispôsobiť tento produkt alebo balenie, kontaktujte nás, aby sme prediskutovali ďalšie podrobnosti
Každý rok sa pripájame k rôznym výstavám a vítame nových a starých zákazníkov, aby navštívili našu továreň

Presenting, the Wooden Geometric Brain Teaser Puzzle Birthday Gifts Montessori Toys Wooden Jigsaw Puzzles Board for Preschool Education brought to you by qiaike- an amazing gift to provide endless hours of entertainment and education.

This item is not only enjoyable, but it's also perfect for developing crucial cognitive problem-solving abilities for kiddies of all of the ages. This wood puzzle is certain to keep children involved and entertained for extended periods of time along with its bright and colorful design.

Produced from high-quality wood, this product was built durable to last. It is lightweight and simple to handle, which makes it perfect model for preschoolers. The different shapes add an additional layer of complexity—kids can develop spatial awareness dexterity while they move the puzzle pieces around.

The appearance of this was based concerning the Montessori technique, known for its child-centered approach. This puzzle will inspire kids to develop their problem-solving and logical thinking, allowing them to approach challenges in a methodical fashion.

It is not just great for kids it's also perfect for adults who enjoy a good brain teaser. Place your cognitive skills to the test with this challenging puzzle. It is really perfect for family time. Moreover, it is not only an ordinary kids puzzle; it is a great educational tool that promotes imagination, rational thinking, and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, it is an excellent birthday present for kids who love puzzles and games. 

Grab your Wooden Geometric Brain Teaser Puzzle by Qiaike. It was built to last; it is engaging and fun, and it’s educational all at thet same time. Order yours and begin checking out the endless possibilities of this incredible puzzle today.


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