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Бренд: qiaike

Presenting the Qiaike Montessori Magnetic Color and Number Maze Fine Motor Skills Toys Kids Magnetic Counting Board Game jouets pour enfants, the toy this is certainly children which can be ideal are prepared to learn counting this is certainly basic and enhance their hand-eye coordination. This counting this is game this is certainly made this is certainly make that is magnetic fun and interactive, and it's also worth young ones aged 3 and above.

This model this is certainly great a board that is colorful is magnetic having a maze that kiddies must navigate with the magnetic wand to count the actual quantity of beads in each area. The maze features colors that are different numbers which can make counting and visualizing easy and quick for young adults. The beads which can be colorful along as well as other elements enhance the appeal this is certainly creative of doll, causing the more engaging.

The Qiaike Montessori Magnetic Color and Number Maze Fine Motor Skills Toys Kids Magnetic Counting Board Game jouets pour enfants is not just good and model this is certainly exciting, but it surely might be intended to assist build your young child's fine motor abilities. Moving the wand this is certainly magnetic maneuvering the bead through the maze requires coordination this is certainly precision that is hand-eye. This doll frequently helps enhance your children's dexterity, concentration, and concentrate, making it a tool this is certainly great improving their abilities which are intellectual.

The Qiaike Montessori Magnetic Color and Number Maze Fine Motor Skills Toys Kids Magnetic Counting Board Game jouets pour enfants were beautifully crafted from safety in your mind. The model consists of high-quality, non-toxic materials that are safe for kiddies to relax and have fun with. The wand that is magnetic attached to the board such that it cannot be effortlessly lost or swallowed by children. This means that parents can enjoy reassurance while kids have some fun to see.
